Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A little behind. . .

Okay, so more than a few people have said, "When are you going to update your blog already?" As I've said, I try to update after every speaking engagement, and unfortunately I've fallen about three events behind.

So to play catch up a bit - last Monday I went across the street to the First Reformed Church to perform for the "Keen-agers". (Think: Senior Citizen Youth Group)

I've performed for them before, usually crazy stories and songs, and I've always had a great time. Plus, they have always offered me one of my favorite forms of payment - Jaarsma Bakery baked goods.

Well this past Monday was no exception to my string of fun engagements for the group. Plus, I got a little daring and added some four-tenor banjo to mix.

As most of you know, I inherited my four-string from my Grandpa Kain after he passed and it looks much like the one above, yet much older. I've plucked for several years now, and even written a few goofy songs.

One of those goofy songs got me in a bit of hot water, as you regular blog readers may remember, when I sang it at farmer's gathering in Southern Iowa and had a few lines about how bad pigs smelled. Well, I sang the same song for the Keen-agers, and it went great. They loved it, and a few of them admitted to being hog farmers and agreed that hogs do indeed smell. So I guess I have a little vindication there.

I'll be updating more in the next few days to try and catch up with what's been going on. I speak next week at the Pella Christian High School Spiritual Renewal Week, and the week after that I'm in Orange City, IA for their Renewal Week. Both are crowds I really enjoy, and so for all of you blog desperate complainers (or maybe you just like to complain in general) the next few weeks should be a goldmine for you. That is, if you enjoy reading about semi-pro, banjo playing, Christian/Comedian speaker from Podunk Nowhere, Iowa.

Till next time,
