Monday, May 11, 2009

It's true

I've grown tired of updating two different blogs now. I'm professionally obligated to keep the one at up and running, and let's face it, if I ever came to a place in life where I had time to continue TWO DIFFERENT ONLINE BLOGS, then I've just got too much time on my hands.

Oh, I'm not quitting. I guess I'll just settle for the days when I do have a little extra time on my hands. Although, today is not one of those days. I'm just going down my to-do list, trying to cross things off in order. "Blog" has been on there just enough weeks to drive me insane.

I went way up by Isabel, South Dakota a few weeks ago with Danny and David Fergen. Had a really good time. It was middle-of-nowhere's-ville up there. I mean, no power lines, no NOTHING.

It was gorgeous though. I'd love to live up there someday where there'd never be a neighbor greeting me in the driveway after a 3 day speaking trip with little sleep to make sure I knew, "You need some dandelion killer on that lawn, kiddo!"

Although, to my joy, my much maligned lawn is not nearly as bad as our relatively new neighbors next door. Theirs is a veritable jungle. It is deep, thick, and weedy like I've never seen. I'm pretty sure they have a mower as I remember seeing it at least once last fall, but they obviously haven't used it this year yet.

Speaking job is just really starting to begin to conflict with church job in the next year or two. I'm short adults on one summer trip this summer because I'm emceeing the event. Another event I do annually is going to conflict with a senior high trip next year. . .

I'm eating a lot of McDonald's Snack Wraps on the road right now. I doubt they're much healthier than a hamburger, but hey, they look healthier.

Quit pop again for a couple weeks last month. I'm back on again, but in much smaller quantities. I'm probably averaging only one a day now instead of five or six, so that's good.

Also hitting the exercise bike for another hour a day again trying to lose the baby weight. I'm down six pounds so far, but gained a pound over the weekend by eating Pizza Ranch at my nephew's birthday party and then eating homemade pizza made by my mom and I.

It was, by far, the best homemade pizza I've ever had. I'm eating leftovers for lunch today. (And tomorrow and Wednesday if I'm lucky.)

Doing an actual poetry show again in a couple weeks (June 1) and other than that I had to take most of May off from speaking because I've got graduations and parties and congregational meetings and Tulip Time every weekend all month.

See you later,
