Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Meetings are a drag . . .

I don't care what the meeting's for, I don't want to be there. It could be a meeting to make sure that I get a free ice cream cone everyday for the rest of my life, and I still wouldn't want to be there.

Meetings happen when a group of people get together who all have differing opinions - which invariably means that at least one person in the group will think I'm an idiot. So my solution is to sit quietly and pretend I don't exist. I like to daydream about things - and not just any old thing, I have very specific meeting daydreams.

The first one is great scenes from movies. 99% of the time, it'll be the scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark when Indiana Jones is holding the rocket launcher on the Nazis as they round the bend in the canyon holding the ark and Indy yells, "I'm gonna blow it up Rene!"

I've had that daydream since sitting through boring high school classes, and it always makes me immediately yearn to run home and watch the movie. Yet, by the time I get home, the yearning has faded, and I end up watching cartoons.

The other daydream, and the one that currently holds realm in most of my meetings, is remembering great pro wrestling matches that I've seen. Most often, it's the Bret Hart - Steve Austin match from Wrestlmania 13, a true mat classic.

Otherwise it'll be just about anything Ric Flair's been in.

And yet, no matter how quiet and invisible I attempt to be, someone always says, "Jason, you've been so quiet. What do you think?" And then I open my big, dumb gob, and end up regretting it for the rest of my life.

I've got to figure out a way to get out of more meetings . . .


Dustin said...

Maybe if you tell them you have a previous meeting to attend in which you have to overtake the nazi's with a rocket launcher they will realize you have more important things to do????

Dustin said...

You fricken rock my face off, I can't believe that wicked awesome commercial!!!!!