Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Church / Kiwanis / Old Timey Gospel!

Sorry for the late update. I delivered the message a week ago last Sunday for the Bethel Reformed Church youth service in Des Moines, IA. I got hooked up with them through ministry partner Mark Elgersma who's aunt and uncle attend the church.

I had a great time, and they were really receptive, appreciative, and welcoming to me. I used some old photos of my dad's dog Happy from when he was a kid in the message, and talked about Peter and John in Acts 4.

I also did a 6 A.M. breakfast poetry reading for the Knoxville Kiwanis. Yes, that's right. 6 A.M.! It was EARLY. We just bought a new house and we've spent several days moving into it, and we've had a lot of early mornings and late nights, so I was dead tired when I rolled out of the house at 5:30. But the show went all right. I had a great time.

The biggest news, at least to me anyways, is that I was contacted by a fella about doing a series of storytelling/poetry shows as part of something called The Old Time Gospel Show. I guess it's a kind of tour thing where lots of different gospel singers and bands get together and put on a shows around Iowa, and I'll be providing the comedy portion of the evening.

I've been booked for three shows, the first one being this Saturday night, and it would be an understatement to say I'm a little excited. I'll be doing some poetry, storytelling, and a little banjo, so it's going to be about my favorite show of the year.

And in two short weeks I'll be in Sioux Falls, SD for the 2006 SERVE! And I'm super pumped cause Troy asked me back for the 2007 SERVE as well. Now I guess I'm really free to do some crazy stuff this year - like throwing rotten eggs at the crowd, or wearing my spiderman underoos to preach in. I can't wait!

Till next time,

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

For Dustin!

Here it is! A project I hope to enjoy for a long time with my good friend Dustin!

Pella - Chicago - Michigan - Chicago - Pella

Went to Michigan over the weekend, by way of Chicago. I was going to speak at a youth rally in Wayland, MI at Gunn Lake Community Church. For those of you regular readers, it was the one I mentioned a while back that was going to have the praise band ride in on Harley's. You may also remember that I promised to start taking a camera along to take pictures. Well, there were Harley's, and I did bring the camera, but I completely forgot to take any pictures. So in lieu of the pictures I promised to take, I'll be inserting some pics I got from Google image search.

For instance:

The praise band rode in on Harley motorcycles!

Something unique that happened on this trip that was a real treat for me, was that good friend, and ministry partner, Mark Elgersma came along for the ride.

Once again, this is NOT a picture of Mark Elgersma, but it is the first picture that comes up when you type the name "Mark" into the Google image searcher.

We stayed the night in Chicago on Saturday to break up the driving a bit so we wouldn't have to drive the whole way in one day and then get out of the car and speak right away. The most amazing thing about the car ride was that it rained the WHOLE STINKING WAY from the moment I got in the car in Pella, all the way to Chicago, and all the way to Michigan, and it didn't stop until I hit the Iowa border on the way home on Monday.

Once again, this is not the rain we faced, but it is rain none-the-less.

In Chicago, we stayed with Mark's old college roommate Phil, who was a great guy that took us out for some great deep dish pizza, and then on to a real live Chicago Jazz Club. We had a great time.

Then it was on to Michigan on Sunday, and the worship service. Gunn Lake Community Church was just great, and I got a chance to see a few folks I'd worked with before at various times like Cindy, Bill and Pastor Todd.

Once again, this is NOT Cindy, Bill and Todd, but it is the first - yeah, well you get the picture by now.

After the show, which went pretty well, we headed over to visit old SERVE friends Randy and Becky Bennett in Dorr, MI. We had great time talking to them, catching up, and eating some fantastic monkey bread!

Okay, that's just a great picture! And yes, that's actually Randy!

What else? Hmmm, I'm guessing with all the pics this blog has been getting a little long. So I may call it quits here. I'm speaking for Bethany Reformed Church in Des Moines coming up here in May, and I'll be reading some poetry for another Kiwanis group on the 20th. It may be a bit before I update again, but in honor of good friend Dustin coming back from Holland, I will soon be linking to a special treat I'm arranging for Dustin as a welcome home present. Stay tuned!

Till next time,