Monday, November 13, 2006

Still a Lazy Blogger. . .

Yeah, I've been lots of places and done lots of things since the last blog. And yes, I still get the occasional emails and folks I bump into that say, "Hey, why no blog? Have you given up on the blog?"


In October I went up to Milwaukee to speak for a large group of ninjas (people with panty hose on their heads that each held a tennis ball.) I found them quite entertaining, and while in Milwaukee, I accomplished my ultimate purpose - to pick up jars and jars of Milwaukee's own pickles for my wife who is 6 months pregnant.

And, as always, after stating that I had to pick up pickles for my pregnant wife, I am to offer the disclaimer that my wife has ALWAYS liked pickles and eaten them in large quantities - even before she was pregnant. (If you ask me, that actually sounds worse than just telling people they're a pregnancy craving.)

Also in October, I went and spoke for the Pella High School football team at their weekly team supper. It was one of those odd little God things where I spoke about some soldiers from the old testament sticking together, and afterwards the coach showed me the dog tags that every player and coach were given for many of the same reasons I spoke about. And I also found out that speaking to a large group of football players can be intimidating.

This past week I was up in Sioux Falls, SD, Edgerton, MN, and a little town I can't remember just north of Sioux Falls where the Tri-Valley High School is located. It was a little three day midwest tour, as I like to imagine it.

I spoke for the chapel at the Southwest Christian High School in Edgerton on Wednesday afternoon. It was a great session not because of anything I said, but because it gave me a chance to worship with good friend / worship leader / piano player Dawn Ryswyk. Dawn helped make us all feel a little older by playing the worship song Carrier only to have most of the crowd admit they'd never heard it before.

Oh yeah, Mark was there too.

On Wednesday night we headed to Tri-Valley high school and I walked into the gymnasium and realized the event was much larger than I thought it was going to be. They had a large stage set up and seating for around 900 people. The place packed out, my good friends from Sons of Thunder played the worship leaders, and it was a great time. There were LOTS of people there.

Oh yeah, Mark and Troy were there too.

On Thursday I headed to the Sioux Falls Christian High School in the afternoon to speak to good friend Luke Vander Leest's old testament bible class on biblical archaeology. I've been reading up and taking notes on the subject for the last several months, and thought it would be fun to share it with some others.

To put it simply, I bored the buhjeebers out of the class. It reminded me a lot of my first speaking engagement. I talked way too long, and way too fast and no one seemed to like me. But when I was done, I thought, I think I could do that better next time! So only time will tell whether or not I get another chance to share my studies on archaeology.

This coming weekend I'm speaking for a Presbyterian retreat in Des Moines. Troy and Dawn will be leading worship. And, oh yeah, Mark will be there.

Till next time,



Dustin said...

Umm... I was wondering if I could book Jason taylors biblical archeology talk sometime in December? Perferably followed by some poker? Oh yea, and Mark will be there...

rebecca said...


Congratulations! pickles and all.


Jason Taylor said...

Becky, I never told you we were pregnant? I thought you were on my massive email list. my apologies. and yes, the pickles are very good.

But Dustin, trust me you dont' want to see that talk yet. but i'm always up for cards. . . and mark will be there.