Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Speaking in English

I had the opportunity to do a twenty minute poetry set at North English, IA on Saturday night. Now, I'd heard of North English, but just a few miles south is another town called South English. This was interesting to me since I'd never heard of South English, and I wondered how the two towns earned their respective names. No one really seemed to know.

We had a meal before the show and these were the place mats we used at the church . . .

I thought it might be a bad omen, but it turned to be a great show.

I went on after the North English Community Choir and before the Interfaith men's choir.

This is Interfaith.

Both groups were just fantastic. It was another show I got to do because of Old Time Gospel Show friend John Finical - who also sings in the Interfaith choir.

The crowd was roughly around 70 or 80 people, and they were just the best. They were very energetic and laughed hard. I know just a few posts ago I talked about cutting back and retiring from alot of the poetry shows, but man, this crowd really makes it hard to think about.

And some very exciting news for myself - one of the sound guys said he had a digital recording device hooked up to the sound system at the show and he wanted to know if I wanted a CD of the night to do with as I please! I've been lamenting for a long time now that I really wanted a CD of the poetry, and now it looks like I may get one!

Perhaps I'll have to include the twenty minute show in a CD on the back jacket of the next book.

I head off to Canada here again in another two weeks or so, and then to Wisconsin a week after that. But as for poetry shows, it appears I'm done for a while anyway. I don't have any more booked for the long term. So perhaps that gives me some time to work on Farm Dog 2, and edit a CD together.

Till next time,


Wednesday, October 03, 2007


More recent Carson pics . . . Here he's on the right while his TWO MONTH YOUNGER COUSIN Isaac is on the left!

After a bath . . .

Having a good time. . .

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Pole Rally / Archaeology / Canada

A bunch of trips to update on. . .

Last Wednesday I trekked up to Sioux Falls to do a short comedy set at their big "See You at the Pole Rally". The Sioux Falls Christian School gym was packed with over 1000 kids, and we had a wild time.

On Thursday morning, I did the Sioux Falls Christian morning chapel and talked about the woman weeping from Luke. Then in the afternoon I spoke for good friend Luke Vander Leest's Old Testament Bible class about the Biblical Archeology stuff I've been studying over the last year.

This past weekend, I headed up to Red Deer Canada with bandleader Troy Kooima for a big CRC 150 years in Alberta celebration. And it was a wild time to say the least.

It started with my plane being delayed for about an hour in Des Moines before I took off. This led to a very interesting, albeit mostly one-sided, conversation with a woman sitting near me who appeared to be very drunk.

I'll give you just a taste of what she said. (Now, most of her sentences were filled with words I cannot repeat on a Christian speaker's blog, so I'll replace all the profanities with the words "huggy-buggy" to protect the eyes of innocent blog readers.)

The first thing she does is lean over to me and say, "Can you believe this huggy-buggy airline? Of all the huggy-buggy, huggy-buggy things they do, they can't huggy-buggy get a huggy-buggy plane off the huggy-buggy ground. This whole huggy-buggy airline's going down the huggy-buggy tubes and this is the first sign!

I nod my head and smile, trying not to encourage a full blown conversation with her. Finally she leans over real close and says, "You want to go get a huggy-buggy cocktail?"

I told her that I was fine with my diet coke, but thanks anyways. She went on for quite awhile longer before finally heading to the bathroom. I took the opportunity to move across the waiting area, and sit hidden behind the terminal desk.

So what else happened in Canada? Got lost. Had a fire drill. Got a little sick. Danced and sang with about fifty elementary school kids. Ate some wonderful barbeque with good friends Dave and Cathy Tilstra. Watched "The Guns of Naverone" with Troy on the airplane.

All in all a great trip,
