Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Speaking in English

I had the opportunity to do a twenty minute poetry set at North English, IA on Saturday night. Now, I'd heard of North English, but just a few miles south is another town called South English. This was interesting to me since I'd never heard of South English, and I wondered how the two towns earned their respective names. No one really seemed to know.

We had a meal before the show and these were the place mats we used at the church . . .

I thought it might be a bad omen, but it turned to be a great show.

I went on after the North English Community Choir and before the Interfaith men's choir.

This is Interfaith.

Both groups were just fantastic. It was another show I got to do because of Old Time Gospel Show friend John Finical - who also sings in the Interfaith choir.

The crowd was roughly around 70 or 80 people, and they were just the best. They were very energetic and laughed hard. I know just a few posts ago I talked about cutting back and retiring from alot of the poetry shows, but man, this crowd really makes it hard to think about.

And some very exciting news for myself - one of the sound guys said he had a digital recording device hooked up to the sound system at the show and he wanted to know if I wanted a CD of the night to do with as I please! I've been lamenting for a long time now that I really wanted a CD of the poetry, and now it looks like I may get one!

Perhaps I'll have to include the twenty minute show in a CD on the back jacket of the next book.

I head off to Canada here again in another two weeks or so, and then to Wisconsin a week after that. But as for poetry shows, it appears I'm done for a while anyway. I don't have any more booked for the long term. So perhaps that gives me some time to work on Farm Dog 2, and edit a CD together.

Till next time,


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