Sunday, February 24, 2008

Prairie City Church of the Brethren and the MVSC

The Morgan Valley Social Club descended on the Prairie City Church of the Brethren this past Saturday night, and we had a great time. New poems were read. Kyle sang a song he'd never heard before. And we were joined onstage by Pastor Tim Peter playing the mandolin, worship leader Jim Jones playing guitar and singing a little Joan Baez, and Brian Gumm playing guitar and making Kyle look a lot better than he probably is. (Note to Kyle: insert sarcastic snipe in comment sections now.)

We were raising moolah for the new playground equipment for the church, and I haven't heard a final total yet, but I'm hoping they got a lot.

For those who haven't seen the show, or saw it for the first time past weekend, I introduced everyone to the MVSC with some quotes from people who've seen our show in the past.

For instance, a guy at our last show in a big Pella church commented after a show:

"When the show started, I didn't know if I was going to like it or not. But when it was over, I think I did."
Or the teenage boy who heard my poems as part of a two hour show of gospel music and commented:

"My parents had to drag me here tonight, but I wanted to tell you that you were the only thing that was halfway decent to listen to."

Or my personal favorite, from an orgainzer at a church we performed for:

"We have a lot of elderly and shut ins that don't get out much, and they really loved your show!"

So I guess what it comes down to is this, you might think our show is halfway decent if you don't get out much.

A big thanks goes out to all the family (Brummel's, Kain's, and Taylor's) and friends (Kyle's friends really, as I don't have many) who came out in support of the show and the kids of the church.

Where am I next . . . ? I'm not really sure. But if you really want to know, as I do, you'll just click over on the Happy the Dog link and check the calendar as I am also going to do momentarily.

Until next time, I remind everyone that I will no longer be posting pictures of Carson on the blog.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Brethren Church Show This Saturday!

For all (both) of you that read this blog, we've got a big Morgan Valley Social Club Poetry/Music show this Saturday, February 23 at the Prairie City Church of the Brethren five miles south of Prairie City. Lots of new poems and songs debuting.

There's a baked potato supper fundraiser at 5pm, and then we go on at 6:30. It's going to be a good time, I promise. And it's for a good cause! Playground equipment for kids! Come on! Get the coal off your heart and show up! Who doesn't want to help kids?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Rock Valley, Sioux Falls, Influenza A

Got real sick a couple weeks ago and had to miss a poetry show in Sully, IA. I was pretty disappointed as I'd been looking forward to it for a long time. Poetry shows don't come up all that often, but I do have another one in a week. For any and all that read this in the area, the Morgan Valley Social Club will be playing a fundraiser at The Church of the Brethern five miles south of Prairie City on Saturday, February 23rd. There's a potato supper at 5pm, followed by Kyle and I at 6:30pm.

I'm hoping there's a good chance the show can be taped for CD as I'm planning on including it in the back cover of the next book.
Went up to Rock Valley, IA for a benefit for an old youth member named Justin Bousema who has aplastic anemia. What a blast! Jonah's Wale played, they raised $15,000+ dollars, and Justin's health updates have been steadily improving over the last couple weeks!

Just got back from Sioux Falls, SD where I spent three days speaking for Sioux Falls Christian High School Bible Days. Once again, I was with Jonah's Wale, and we had a grand time.

Got to stay with Wale's leader, Troy Kooima, and read a few books to his young daughter Sage. They were interesting to say the least.
My favorite was one called Worm Gets a Job. What it basically boiled down to was a worm ruining everyone's life until he stumbled into winning an art show by stealing supplies. The last pages of the book had someone saying, "Look at worm, now he's rich and famous!" You turn the page and worm is giving the old wink while saying, "And happy!" I don't think I'd ever read one quite like it.
We finished up with one about a little boy who goes on a picnic with his mom in the woods. The boy insists there's a bear. The mom disagrees. Mom leaves the boy alone because she forgot dessert and guess what appears? A bear. Mom returns and they're both chased screaming out of the woods. The end. You may think I'm just doing a quick summary and leaving out the important parts or valuable lesson, but I'm not. I guess the lesson was, "Don't listen to your mom. Monsters exist, and they're coming for you."

And no, no more pics of Carson this week.