Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yeah so. . .

I stink at all things computer related, as I spent the better part of tonight trying to figure out how to add music to the blog. Instead, I just did this:

It's a myspace page for the Morgan Valley Social Club with a little audio up. It includes the audio from These Boys in the Car (The Great Story) poem that I posted earlier along with a few songs from the fundraiser show we did at the Brethren Church a few weeks back.

One song is Kyle and Brian singing "Mama Tried" by Merle Haggard. See if you notice when Kyle forgot the lyrics.

The other is "Life is Like a Mountain Railroad" with the whole crew that was there. The audio is not quite a loud as they weren't on the main microphones. But it give you the flavor of what we do.

I accidentally redid the template, so the links are in the lower right now, below the archives. You'll see The Morgan Valley Social Club's site is now earmarked. Whoop Dee Do.


Daren Streblow is funny. . .

This is a link to a comedian I've had the blessing to work with a couple times. They're cartoons he makes, and they're funny. FUNNY.

If the link doesn't work, it's because I don't know how to use a computer.

Some fresh ideas. . .

Here's what good friend Nathan thinks I should post about:

1. What every young person should know about gastropods.

2. How your choice of socks can make or break your ministry.

3. Should the 11th Commandment be "Thou shalt not speculate about any additional commandments"? (Classic Nathan humor. This type of joke sums up the genius of Nathan's humor.)

4. The top four and a half Bible stories about public speaking.

5. Home-made ziplines - a fool proof recipe for fun.
(I actually tell a homemade zipline story while speaking.)

6. Why does God allow cool things to have stupid names like "walkie-talkie"?
(More classic Nathan humor.)

7. People named "Chris" should be able to cut hair without any special training.
(Referencing the time in college when I let my older brother cut my hair and I actually looked worse than Jim Carrey on Dumb and Dumber.)

8. Why you shouldn't take suggestions for blog topics.

9. Lederhosen?!? Lederhosen.

10. Rocky Mountain High, Colorado. COLORADO!!!!
(Another inside joke to college where we'd call up good friend Mike and procede to destroy the John Denver classic into his answering machine. Nathan would hit the highest, most off pitch "COLORADO" on the echo. We made sure that each message went on for three or four minutes minimum.)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fairly new poem. . .

These Boys in the Car

I’m thankful for the conversations you have
with the people who talk to you first
because I am the worst
at being the one
who has to talk first

And so this is the story
told to me
in the back of a church sanctuary
from the very last pew
by a woman I knew
through her husband
and because I didn’t get up the nerve
I almost never heard
the greatest story
that I’ve ever heard

she says,
“These two boys!
These two boys!
High school age
come flying over the hill
by our place

these boys are driving
just flying!
Over the hill by my place

And as they come over the hill
what do they see standing right in the middle?
Right on the double yellow line?
But a bull
a full sized, brown bull with horns no less
and they hit that bull head on,”
she says

“Boom! The bull drops dead in the middle of the road
and the boy’s car goes
and skids into the ditch
an front of my home

and now over the hill comes a semi
from the other way.”
“No, way,” I say, “No way,”

“Yes,” she says, “This semi
now it comes flyin’
over the side of the hill
and there is the bull
right in the middle of the road
right front of my home

and the semi just annihilates this poor bull
launching it into the air
and this mass of blood, meat, and hair
comes crashing down
Right on the hood
of the car
of the boys in the ditch

it’s just staring
through the cracked windshield
with it’s big, dead, bull eyes
blood dripping
as both boys try
to get out of the car but they can’t
because the doors are stuck

and then the semi,” she goes on,
“Slides over the ditch
and it skids onto my lawn
and tears through the grass I just mowed
until it comes to a stop
just feet from my picture window.”
As she’s talking
I’m leaning more and more forward
on the pew where I sit
and I think this story is so freaking fantastic
I can’t wait
to steal it

“There’s more,” she says
but I don’t know if I can take any more
there’s speed, and wrecks, and blood, and gore and stupidity galore
what more
could you need in a story?

She says, “I’d been asleep
and I hear this crash
so I make a mad dash
to the living room
I throw open the curtains and look outside
and staring back
are the eyes
of a man of a man in surprise
behind the wheel
of an enormous semi
just three or four feet away, maybe five

so I run over
and throw open the door
and see the boys with the bull on their hood
screaming in horror
for someone to open their doors
and I think for sure
this is the end of the world
and the bull. . .
starts. . .
to moan. . .

And those boys fly
into that backseat so fast
as the bull raises his head and looks right passed
almost like he’s looking at me
and thinking
This isn’t how I thought my day
was going be

and now the semi driver is out on the lawn
between the truck and my home
standing there
stretching out his arms
as if measuring the distance
from his grill
to the window glass
as if it were the distance
from his first breath to his last

and I just called 911
and by the time I get done
telling them what I’ve seen
all three town cops come
because this story’s too good to believe

and as the first cop car approaches the site
the guy gets so excited
that he immediately slams on his brakes
and the two cars that are behind
can’t stop, and they collide
with his backside
causing the fourth and fifth wrecks of the day.”

and so she finishes her story
this wonderful story
with such bravado and blazing white glory
and I cannot think of the words
to show appreciation for the story I’ve heard
so I just give her a hug and say
thank you

Friday, March 14, 2008

Brooten, MN

I've fallen a little behind in updating since my last post. Andrea's had a nagging flu, and my office time has suffered a little bit. So when I've been at the office, I've been doing . . . well, office stuff just to keep up.

Went up to Brooten, MN last week Thursday for a one night worship with Jonah's Wale for a little church there. Lots of old friends from Prinsberg, MN made the trip up as the band had played for their chapel that morning.

Had an interesting experience finding the place as instead of using my directions, Mark decided we should use his fancy-smancy GPS device.

Oh, it was fun at first. This beautiful British woman's voice guided us along our route for two hours, saying things like, "Turn left in four miles," and "Destination in 75 miles." Her voice was so pretty, it was easy to take directions.

That is, until she said, "Turn left now," and it meant leaving the blacktop for a gravel road to nowhere. We took the turn anyway, and heard our lovely guide advice, "Destination in five miles."

The only problem was that we could see for five miles and there was no town in sight. Eventually, right there in the middle of this gravel road, right in the middle of nowhere, she said, "You have arrived at your destination."

Right. . .

Mark did a little reconfiguring and we eventually got to our destination, but I think I'll stick to yahoo maps for a while.

Had a bit of a disappointment last week as well as I had a poetry show canceled because of weather on Monday. It was an especially big disappointment as it was the last one on my calendar at the moment. A bolt of fear ran through me that no more may come.

While I don't have another on my list yet, Pastor Sophie at the home church asked if I'd get some musicians together for a fundraiser - date to be determined! So that was great news. Pastor Tim, and choral director Jim from the Brethren show have already agreed to be onboard, so this may be the MVSC's best show to date, we'll see.

On a side note, I've been thinking a lot lately about the blog and how I wish it was a bit more interesting. I don't feel that I've ever really found my voice on it yet. So if you're game, feel free to shoot me a comment in the comment box about any ideas you have. For instance, "I really liked it when you talked about this. . ." or, "Enough talk about this kinds of stuff, I'd like to hear about this. . ." Anything you want I guess.

And yes Kyle, Nathan, and Mark, that's you're cue to start leaving wildly sarcastic comments now.
