Friday, March 14, 2008

Brooten, MN

I've fallen a little behind in updating since my last post. Andrea's had a nagging flu, and my office time has suffered a little bit. So when I've been at the office, I've been doing . . . well, office stuff just to keep up.

Went up to Brooten, MN last week Thursday for a one night worship with Jonah's Wale for a little church there. Lots of old friends from Prinsberg, MN made the trip up as the band had played for their chapel that morning.

Had an interesting experience finding the place as instead of using my directions, Mark decided we should use his fancy-smancy GPS device.

Oh, it was fun at first. This beautiful British woman's voice guided us along our route for two hours, saying things like, "Turn left in four miles," and "Destination in 75 miles." Her voice was so pretty, it was easy to take directions.

That is, until she said, "Turn left now," and it meant leaving the blacktop for a gravel road to nowhere. We took the turn anyway, and heard our lovely guide advice, "Destination in five miles."

The only problem was that we could see for five miles and there was no town in sight. Eventually, right there in the middle of this gravel road, right in the middle of nowhere, she said, "You have arrived at your destination."

Right. . .

Mark did a little reconfiguring and we eventually got to our destination, but I think I'll stick to yahoo maps for a while.

Had a bit of a disappointment last week as well as I had a poetry show canceled because of weather on Monday. It was an especially big disappointment as it was the last one on my calendar at the moment. A bolt of fear ran through me that no more may come.

While I don't have another on my list yet, Pastor Sophie at the home church asked if I'd get some musicians together for a fundraiser - date to be determined! So that was great news. Pastor Tim, and choral director Jim from the Brethren show have already agreed to be onboard, so this may be the MVSC's best show to date, we'll see.

On a side note, I've been thinking a lot lately about the blog and how I wish it was a bit more interesting. I don't feel that I've ever really found my voice on it yet. So if you're game, feel free to shoot me a comment in the comment box about any ideas you have. For instance, "I really liked it when you talked about this. . ." or, "Enough talk about this kinds of stuff, I'd like to hear about this. . ." Anything you want I guess.

And yes Kyle, Nathan, and Mark, that's you're cue to start leaving wildly sarcastic comments now.



Unknown said...

Oh. Now I should be sarcastic. Right.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure exactly what direction your blog should take- I've turned my blog into a training log (3 whole posts this month!) with my thoughts and observations along the way, which has made my running more interesting, too- maybe you could try a poem a day/week adn let us give you constructive feedback as you get ready to publish a new book; I promise I won't (exclusively) give advice on meter and rhythm...

Jason Taylor said...

yeah, i'm about to put out a second book with a cd attached. okay. i'll post a new one soon here.