Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lots of stuff

Behind on blogging again. . .

A couple weekends ago I went and did some worships with RISE on the Road with good friend Rob Rozeboom. Rob got abotu thirty kids or so to come to Knoxville, IA and work a service project and then had a big music festival on Saturday night.

Improv buddy Steve Hydeen came over from Omaha and we got to do some drama/talks together. I love working with Steve and every time we get together, we get to experiment a little more with biblical drama stuff. It was a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, I never made it to the music festival for my emceeing part due to a small flare up with my past illness. But I heard it went great.

On the topic of illness, I'm almost fully recuperated with just a hint of spleen swelling now and again. I had some blood tests done two days ago, and things looked really good. The doctor seems to be labeling it as a mono-like illness that just didnt' show up on the tests.

I also just got back from Sioux Falls SERVE and had a great time. I can usually go on and on about my SERVE weeks in big long posts, but I don't have a ton of time today as I'm leaving in a few hours for a three day service project with my own youth group.

But I will say this, Sioux Falls SERVE continues to be one of my favorite weeks of the entire year. So many good friends coming together with lots of new faces to work, worship, and have fun.

I took a good share of ribbing from a few people about my "weak spleen" since I was on doctor's orders not to rough house or lift much. But other than that, it was fine.

Good friend Jacklyn Punt had challenged me to do more talks about women from the Bible, so that's where I spent most of my talks. It was far easier than I thought it would be and I really liked the results.

What else? Man, there's so much. I'm going to just have to make a longer post when I get back from Kansas City. Although, I hear there's a blog at about the event, but I haven't checked it out yet.

In a crazy turn of events, I was only gone one week and Carson learned how to eat with a spoon, say new words like eat and bubba, and make the sign for "more" when he'd like more food to eat.

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