Monday, October 31, 2005

Dakota . . . South Dakota

Headed up to Sioux Falls this past weekend for a "business meeting" with good pals Mark Elgersma and Danny Fergen, and I've come to realize that I have some of the best friends in the entire world.

We were meeting to discuss the possibility of putting Danny (a wonderful worship leader and musician) and me (someone who can speak words out loud and occasionally gets paid for it) together as a package deal and see if we could get some more SERVE projects to work at this next summer.

The meeting went just swell. We put together a promo letter, got some great quotes from lots of other great friends, and the letters are probably being mailed out as I type this. If all goes as planned, we may pick up a few extra gigs where Mark, Danny, and I get some quality road trip time.

While in Sioux Falls, we also met up with Troy Kooima and Word of Mouth blog regular Dustin to play a little texas hold'em at Troy's house. I didn't have the best of games. We played four times and I lost all four. Dustin, Mark, and Troy all got a win, and I got several second places. But we still had a great time, ate a great meal of Italian spicy brats, played with Troy's wonderful family, and had a lot of great conversation.

I also got to see good friend Dawn Ryswyk's new grandson Logan. A real cute little guy who I got to meet over lunch at Applebee's. Now we can crack "Grandma" jokes about Dawn and she can't get too upset.

And Mark and I got to run by Luke Vander Leest's new house as he was putting the roof on. Due to my extreme love of heights, I decided not to help out because I didn't want to steal all the fun away from Luke.

What else is new? Today's one of those days. I'm probably just tired from an overnighter that Andrea and I had for our high schoolers this weekend, but today feels like one of those days (as I've explained to brother-in-law Kyle before) where I feel weighted down by all the dumb mistakes of my life. Does that ever happen to anyone else? Not that I've made any lately, or even for several years - as far as big dumb mistakes though. But sometimes I just get depressed that there are some things in my life that I did and won't get a second chance to fix.

Reminds me of that new show, My Name is Earl, about the guy who writes down all the mistakes he's ever made, and then tries to fix them in hope of changing his bad karma. I should make a list. Hmmm. Not that I believe in karma or anything, there are plenty of bad people who have great stuff happen to them anyway, but maybe for peace of mind . . .

Man, would that be a scary list to start or what?

Till next time,



Anonymous said...

Hakuna Matata - means no worries. You remember that little fiesty meerkat named Timon from the Lion King. He sang this song to Simba when he was down about his father's death. While Simba was thinking it was his fault, and while he wanted to go back in time to change what had just happened, here comes a litle meerkat, to remind him that there are no worries in life. I relate this story of a Lion and meerkat to Christianity in this way. When we are down, and heavy totten, Jesus says "Hakuna Matata. Cast all your cares on me, for your burden." I know it doesn't seem all that spiritual, but God had you go through things in your life for a reason. Everything happens in his time, even when you aren't following his will all that close. Jason, have a good day, and when you think down, think Hakuna Matata!


Anonymous said...

I got an idea. . . just stop screwin' up so much and you won't have to worry about your mistakes.