Monday, June 05, 2006

The Old Time Gospel Show

I traveled up to Toledo, IA this past weekend to do some comedy/poetry at the historic Wieting Opera House (now movie theater). Unfortunately, I'm still forgetting to take my camera along, so this is the best picture I could find on the internet. But trust me when I say it's a really cool theater on the inside with a real oldfashioned feel.

This is apparently what it looked like in it's heyday though.

A guy by the name of John Finical called me up a couple weeks ago and asked me to do a few shows with his Old Time Gospel Tour. The first of which was this past weekend, the next two are over the first couple weekends in August in North English and What Cheer, IA.

John lined up lots of great acts for the show like Homeword Bound, Bob Mehrer, The MaClain Family (sp?), and a 12 year old madonlin and violin player named Chris "Crackers" Bennett.

In fact, I was the only non-gospel music portion of the evening - which made me a tad nervous. But it ended up being all for naught as the crowd really seemed to enjoy the poems I performed and gave me a great round of applause after it was over.

I've always thought that I'd love to go back to the day when Vaudeville was the main vein of entertainment in the country, and this show on Saturday was probably as close as I'm ever going to get.

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