Tuesday, June 12, 2007

MVSC at the Bethany Lutheran Church in Iowa Falls

The Morgan Valley Social Club had a great show Saturday night for so many reasons.

First of all, I was asked to do the show by my cousin Laura Brunson. One of my Okiboji cousins growing up, Laura is always fun to be around. Her folks were there - my uncle Bob and aunt Donna. As well as her husband Eric, and her two girls Erin and Paige. They made us a great meal after the show of grilled chicken, and chocolate cake that was a hit with everyone.

Secondly, it was Kyle's first MVSC show back after taking a two month absence after the birth of his new boy Isaac. So that was great. He also brought along a good friend of his named Brian Gumm to help on music and we had a ball.

Thirduhly, I got to see great friends Mike and Susie Rottink. I don't think I really need to elaborate on that much. Just read old blogs. I am a bad friend as I didn't really get to spend much time with them though. Bad friend! Bad friend!

Fourthely, we got to see a part of Iowa Falls I've never seen. I had my camera phone with me, but alas the best pics didn't turn out. But here's a sample of what we saw.

So, Iowa Falls has the Iowa River running through it and there's a dam that looks like this:
Well, this dam is right behind cousin Laura's house, but to get there you have to descend down 99 concrete steps:
This is uncle Bob leading us back up the steps through the jungle. It's not as much fun climbing 99 steps as it is going down.

But once we were down, there were great views like this:

That's uncle Bob closest to the camera, Kyle after him, and Brian after him.

The two best sights by the dam were a tributary stream that runs into it that was AWESOME. The stream was crystal clear, and surrounded by rock bluffs with trees completely overhanging to give it a real cave effect.

There was also some kind of mill that was built right into the bluff wall that was pretty cool to see. But, alas, my camera phone has no flash, so I'll have to go back again some time.

And FIFTHEDLY - my cousin Laura wrote me a poem. For those of you who've seen the MVSC show, I read silly poems, and Kyle plays country music. It's a pretty simple concept. Well, Laura surprised us all by introducing us with a poem she'd written herself about me.

How was it? Well, it was fantastic. And I was a little embarrassed to read my stuff after she was done. We'll have to see if she can go on tour.

And Sixedethly, it was great because for the second time while traveling with Kyle, a small child came up and asked him how tall he was. Seriously, it's like traveling with Chewbacca, or bigfoot or something. The guy's height just draws attention.

Till next time,


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