Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Poetry at Living Faith United Methodist in Toledo

Hello everyone. I hope you've had a good week since my last update.

I went up to Tama this week to do a poetry show for a Methodist church up there. I opened for the Headin' Home Gospel quartet -

This is a really grainy photo taken with my trusty camera phone. Headin' Home is a great gospel group, and they do a wonderful job of getting the crowd riled up for great music.

This show was an offshoot of the Old Time Gospel Show that I do for John Finical. John was at the show since Tama is his hometown, and I got to meet his wife Karen for the first time and see his new house.

The real highlight for the show, for me, was the fact that Karen told me a great story about a car accident that happened right in front of their old house that involved two teenagers, a bull, a semi, and three DOT trucks. Trust me, this story was a classic! And it will soon be in repertoire of poems as soon as I get some time to work on it. I'll make sure to post here first.

Something else interesting that happened . . . I do a poem called "The Squirrel" in which I detail an experience of almost hitting a squirrel on the road after some wild driving. Well, on the way to the show, I saw a big turtle crossing the road in the other lane, and my first thought was to stop and snap a picture of it so that I could post it on the blog for all those of you who constantly complain that I'm a bit too boring here.

How a picture of a turtle would liven things up, I don't know. But that was my initial thought for you the loyal reader.

Anyway, as I began to slow down, a pickup coming from the other direction just demolished the poor little guy right before my eyes. Needless to say, I didn't stop for the picture. I figure that if any of you really want to see him, I can now just give you directions. But if I change my mind about the photo, I guess I know where to find him.

I've also been asked to be a little better at posting my schedule of performances. Don't forget that you can always see where I'm gonna be by checking out our ministry webpage in the "On the Road Again" section at http://happythedog.com/OntheRoadAgain.html.

But here's a quick list:

September 8th - Men's Retreat in South Dakota

September 20th - Poetry show at Friendship Village in Pella.

September26th - See You at the Pole Rally in Sioux Falls, SD

September 27th - Chapel and Old Testament Bible Class at Sioux Falls Christian High School

September 29-Oct 1 - Canada for a retreat

October 6th - Poetry for the DOC Church in North English

October 23-28 - Canada for a retreat

November 5-8 - Sheybogan, WI Christian High School

Till next time,


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