Thursday, September 11, 2008

Waupon (WAH-PAWN)

So, Happy the Dog just headed up to Waupon (pronounced WAH-PAWN, or as I prefer WHOOPIN') for a spiritual renewal week / half-week at the Central Wisconsin Christian High School.

What a good time. It was Troy and Dawn and I, and about 150 different middle school and high schoolers. They were into it too. It was the first time in a long time that I've seen kids doing actions to songs that I'd never seen before.

They were loud. They were happy. They were excited to worship. And so I found myself asking the question, "This is a Christian High School right? Indeed it was. I don't mean to knock Christian High Schools, but I've found that they can sometimes be the worst places to lead worship.

I don't know if it's because the students get "God stuff" so often that they're sick of it, or what, but I generally have a small feeling of dread well up inside when I see a high school coming up on the calendar.

Not for the folks at CWC, though. Those folks know how to rock.

We got to stay with Happy the Dog friends (and board member) Dan and Latricia Ten Napel and their beautiful new daughter.

I got to watch some Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe (sp?) which is always a real treat for me because we don't have cable at home.

We got to eat out at a Mexican restaurant called Dos Gringos which I have a feeling might be a derogatory name towards me, but I'm not sure why . . .

What else? Oh yeah. We gave a prize away to a cool guy named Jory (once again, sp?). When I handed him the shirt he wanted, he said, "How much?" I said, "What?" He said, "How much are your prizes?" I told him our prizes were free, but it made me wonder if there weren't some other, less scrupulous, ministries out there charging for their goofy prizes! For shame!

We got to take a Wisconsin detour, which was three left turns that brought us right back to . . . wait for it . . . the place we started. It was a little after midnight when we pulled over to the road construction worker and asked what we were doing wrong. We were told that we needed to turn right at that last left arrow.

I kid you not.

Till next time,


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