Thursday, November 20, 2008

Orland Park, Ill

Troy and I headed over to Orland Park, Illinois last weekend to help out at a CRC church youth rally/function/event/rock out. I'm not sure what to call it really. They had a crazy rockin' DJ. They had a crazy rockin' worship band. They had a really neat speaker who's a former bank theif and is now working as a secretary at a church. (I know, I know, typical church secretary.)

And then they had us, smack dab in the middle doing our silly songs and goofy jokes.

I had a ton of fun. We got to meet a band named S.H.A.R.C. We got to see old friend from NW Iowa, Matt Sharpe and eat at Denny's. We got to work with great Orland Park youth workers Becky VK and Caroline. (Caroline's a youth director's assistant btw . . . I wonder how I can get one of those in Pella. Hmm.)

There were somewhere between 100 and 120 kids who rocked out hard for four hours. Crazy. They sang loud, danced hard, and had a penchant for Johnny Cash songs.

And by the way, Troy, I did learn the trumpet part on accordian! Our next crowd has no idea what's in store for them.

Next weekend I head to Washington (the state) to speak for a post-Thanksgiving retreat and I'm really looking forward to it.

Here's the gold that came out of our breakfast with Matt S. on Saturday before we left:

If you want to make wine, you have to stomp on grapes. I'm glad that we don't have to do the same thing for all our drinks. Otherwise I would be drinking much less milk.

"What's that between your toes?"


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