Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quakers in Indy

Joined up with Happy the Dog friends Danny and David Fergen (the Sons of Thunder) and headed over to Indianapolis to the Jameson Camp to lead worship for a Quaker retreat.

For the first time, I wasn't the one who had to do the crazy driving - at least not most of it. Danny and David drove 5 hours down to Pella on Thursday night and got here around 10:30pm. They bunked down for the night and then we all got up Friday morning to drive the 7 hours to Indianapolis. When all was said and done, it was Saturday afternoon. We jumped back into the pickup and drove seven hours back to Pella dropping me off around 11:30pm. Then the boys headed home and arrived in Sioux Falls another five hours later.

Total time at the retreat = 12 hours.

Total time on the road for the Fergens = 24 hours.

Was it worth it? Oh, yeah. We had a blast. It was the first Quaker experience for all of us, and the kids and adults couldn't have been better.

The camp was amazing, they had a giant inflatable, bungee corded football game (I dominated Danny), and they had adult sized tricycles of which we took liberty and had a blast.

Plus! I got to see old Northwestern friend Katey "Pokey" Palmer who was arranging the retreat. She's doing wonderfully awesome things out east with the Quaker folks and it was a huge blessing to get to hang out with her and her friends.

Danny and I also took on a couple adults in Wii tennis. While my partner and I won several matches, we didn't win the entire game as Danny knew how to some sort of special move, super fire fast serve that the rest of us couldn't do.

As per usual, the ride home was spent laughing until we were all hoarse (and Danny once again complained of heartburn).

I spent the weekend sick with a bit of a cold, and apparently passed it onto David after he took a drink out of my coffee. Sorry David.

What else? I did craft time and made a neat truck for Carson that I forgot about until just now. I try to bring a little something back from every trip - a little trinket or what not. It's plaster, so he won't be able to play with it, but I suppose it can hang somewhere in his room.

I think the next trip I embark on is to the great city of Alton, IA for a 7am gig with Jonah's Wale on October 30th. Then we do Illinois and Wasthington in November.

Till next time,


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